Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 11220
Title: Soil and Groundwater Study
Start date: 10 Nov 2017
Licence Condition
The Licensee must engage an appropriately qualified and experienced consultant certified under either the Site Contamination Practitioners Australia (SCPA) scheme or the Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand’s (EIANZ) Contaminated Land Assessment Specialist Certified Environmental Practitioner (CLA Specialist CEnvP) scheme to undertake a soil, surface water and groundwater investigation of the premises to determine whether there has been any contamination of the premises by the activities carried on at the premises, and any potential contamination offsite as a result of the Licensee's activities at the premises. The investigation must include, but may not be limited to contemporary: a) groundwater investigations on the premises and down gradient from the premises, specifically including the area between the wastewater dams and the creek; b) water quality monitoring within Davis Creek upstream and downstream of the wastewater dams; c) soil investigation across the premises, including down gradient of the wastewater dams to depths greater that the depth of the wastewater dams, and the soil stockpile; d) analysis of nutrient, hydrocarbon and chemical indicators representative of chemicals stored and used in activities carried on at the premises; e) identification of any sources of contamination to groundwater; f) the extent of groundwater contamination, if groundwater contamination is identified through the study; and g) a compilation report provided to the EPA Director Hunter at by 31 May 2019. Note: the intent of this study is to determine if there is any leaching through soil on the premises and/or groundwater that have the potential to impact waters and the potential risks.
Should the Licensee be unable to comply with condition U1.1b) of the Licence, as a result of the lack of flow in Davis Creek, the Licensee must provide rainfall records for the period of study and prepare a sampling and analysis program for water quality monitoring in Davis Creek, which must be submitted to the EPA with the compilation report required by condition U1.1g) of the Licence. Note: The EPA will formalise this in a revised pollution study on the Licence.